Begrüßung Fürstenried

1. Willkommen / Benvenuti / Bienvenus

𝄞 A Sentimental Journey 𝄞 

Tosques, Fabio (Hg.) (2014): 20 Jahre digitale Sprachgeographie - Tagungsband (Berlin 02. bis 03. November 2012), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Romanistik (ISBN: 978-3-00-046278-8)


searching our title (Geoling 2.0 – Ein aktueller Bericht...) I get also:

  • November 2nd - 3rd,  2012: VerbaAlpina nothing but an idea (start: November 1st, 2014)
  • Oktober 24th, 2023: VerbaAlpina (quasi) finished (end: October 31th, 2023)

2. Presentation of Speakers

2.1.  Anna Kruijt

Postdoc Uni Verona, Diss.: Crowdsourcing language contact: pronoun and article morphology in Trentino-South Tyrol and Veneto, DH, interlingual Geolinguistics

form the VA point of view: data exchange with VinKo (and AlpiLink?)

2.2. Stephan Rabanus

Prof. VE,

Main research interests
- Morphosyntax (syncretism, agreement [verb, pronoun]; possessives; DP)
- Dialectology and German Language History
- Language Contact German-Romance (-Slavic)
- Digital Humanities: Crowdsourcing, Corpus Linguistics, Language Mapping

form the VA point of view: data exchange with VinKo (and AlpiLink?)

2.3. Antonio Romano

Pof. Uni TO, responsabile delle attività scientifiche del Laboratorio di Fonetica Sperimentale "Arturo Genre" di Torino (e coordinatore del Master di I livello in Traduzione per il cinema, la TV e l'editoria multimediale)

for the topic of today's meeting: Coordinazione del progetto AMPER Atlas Multimédia Prosodique de l'Espace Roman (con M. Contini) e dir. del comitato italo-romanzo (AMPER-ITA)

3. Farewell

𝄞 Every Time We say Goodbye 𝄞 

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